Health Union, LLC has acquired Adfire Health. As part of this acquisition, Health Union has updated our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. For more information, please see our announcement.

Influence HCPs With
Point-Of-Care Advertising

Deliver relevant messaging to HCPs at a critical point in the healthcare journey.

Get Started
Engage HCPs When They’re Prescribing
Location Based

Engage HCPs When They’re Prescribing

Engage HCPs When They’re Prescribing

Point-of-care advertising has gone digital. Tap into location-based technology to deliver ads to HCPs when they’re within pre-defined locations, including offices, surgical centers, and hospitals.

Get Started
capture an Engaged Mindset

Understanding Point-Of-Care Ad Inventory

Advertise to HCPs when they're treating patients. Reach them on the digital channels and devices they use in the workplace, including smartphones, tablets, and desktops.

accordian image
The Adfire Health Advantage

The Benefits Of Point-Of-Care Advertising With Adfire Health

Let Adfire Health help you launch digitally driven point-of-care advertising campaigns that get you in front of HCPs when they’re in the medical mindset.

Knowledge is Power

How can we help your marketing?


How can we help your marketing?
